About the Journal

Focus and Scope

SAP publishes articles on African archaeology and history. The articles may: report on original fieldwork, develop new methodologies, provide sythesis of key topics and may address issues of current theoretical concern. SAP also publishes papers that compare African archaeology and archaeology and history of other parts of the world.

Peer Review Process

SAP is a peer-reviewed journal. Each of the articles submitted to SAP are reviewed by two anonymous reviewers recruited from various academic and research institutions accross the globe. Editors ensures a blind-review process. Under normal circumstance, the review process of the submissions takes maximum of three months.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Journal History

SAP was recognised as a journal in 2007 under the African Archaeology Network (AAN) project. UDSM Department of Archaeology and Heritage took over the journal when AAN project ended in 2015. Currently, the Chief Editor is Elgidius Ichumbaki and FNancy Rushohora is an Associate Editor of SAP.