HIV/AIDS Information in Tanzania: A Guide to Future Research



Health information, HIV/AIDS information, Tanzania


The study examines HIV/AIDS information research conducted in Tanzania for the period of 20 years between2001 and 2020.Specifically, the study identifies studies’ settings and focus, and the HIV/AIDS information challenges reported in them. The study used metadata analysis design where 20 studies on HIV/AIDS information carried in Tanzania were reviewed. Microsoft Office Excel 2010 was used to analyse the data quantitatively. The study has found that most of the reviewed studies were conducted in urban areas. The studies were mostly set in communities and health centres and targeted people living with HIV/AIDS and health workers. Topic-wise the studies focused on access to and use of HIV/AIDS information and HIV/AIDS information dissemination. The most common challenges that affect HIV/AIDS information access based on reports made by the reviewed studies are inadequate information systems and structure, lack of information search skills and lack of information and library services. Evidently, there is a gap in HIV/AIDS information research in the country. As such, information science researchers should conduct more studies on HIV/AIDS information to increase data availability. Information professionals should come up with a research agenda that will direct researchers’ attention to HIV/AIDS matters that will enable policy makers to have enough accurate and up-to-date baseline data to aid HIV/AIDS information management.




How to Cite

Wema, E. F., & Rupia, J. (2022). HIV/AIDS Information in Tanzania: A Guide to Future Research. University of Dar Es Salaam Library Journal, 16(2), 161–172. Retrieved from