Salient Attributes to Employee Compliance with Mobile Operation Ethics in Tanzania: A Case of Vodacom Tanzania Plc


  • Omari K Mbura University of Dar es Salaam Library Services
  • Sumaya M. Kagoya Makerere University Business School, Uganda


Employees’ compliance, Code of conduct. Mobile operation ethics, Vodacom Tanzania Plc


This paper on determinants of employees’ compliance with mobile operation ethics in Tanzania was motivated by reports of numerous unmitigated accesses to customer information and transactions on the mobile money platform, and the need to control these transactions using effective and practical measures to sustain the service. Specifically, it sets out to establish the employees’ working environment, determine the employees’ wants and examine the employer-employee relations vis-à-vis their influence on employees’ compliance with ethics. This explanatory study collected quantitative data using a questionnaire survey that contained structured questions. Though largely quantitative, the study findings were complemented by information from interviews held with 3 key informants. Descriptive statistics were used to present the profiles of the respondents whereas multiple regression analysis were used to ascertain the pattern of relationship between study variables. Findings indicate that the two independent variables— ‘working environment’ and ‘employer-employee relations’—were positively and statistically significant on employees’ compliance with ethics. Though, the employees’ wants were found to be positive, they were statistically insignificant in influencing employees’ compliance with ethics. This implies that employees’ compliance with ethics on mobile operations is materially influenced by the work environment and employer-employee relations. Managements must therefore play their roles pertaining to the provision of amenable work environment and enhance good relations with their employees.




How to Cite

Mbura, O. K., & Kagoya, S. M. (2021). Salient Attributes to Employee Compliance with Mobile Operation Ethics in Tanzania: A Case of Vodacom Tanzania Plc. University of Dar Es Salaam Library Journal, 15(1), 67–86. Retrieved from